Monday, April 15, 2013

Magic Wands, Aliens and Electricity - Oh my!

I often have dreams that take place in my childhood home. I've lived a number of places in my 30+ years and yet, my childhood home often takes over the location of many of my dreams. This particular dream is no exclusion.

Before I end up in my childhood home, I am in this gypsy wagon-type room with this older woman speaking with me. I sort of faded into this point, so I don't have much information aside from what the woman was saying as I came to within the room. She was handing me this wooden wand along the lines of one you'd see in Harry Potter and explaining to me that I wouldn't be able to use it until I needed it and I would need it SOON. Without explaining any more of that to me, she hands me a large round egg that looked somewhat like a jawbreaker. It was perfectly round and white in color, but had specs of different colors all over it. It definitely felt like an egg though. I knew if I dropped it or held too tightly, it would break. She explained that the egg was the key to 'activating' the wand and when I needed to use the wand, I just had to either kill what was in the egg or eat the egg whole. Not much else was said after this point, so I just got up and headed to my childhood home, because who wouldn't at this point?

Now my parents still live in said house and have updated it tremendously over the years. In this specific dream, the house still looked a lot like it did when I was a kid with a mishmash of furnishings that apparently left an impression on me, but never actually lived together in the house. The family room still had the dark wood paneling and the original brown carpeting - both of which were removed when I was in high school. The comfy green velvety-looking couch that all of us, and I mean ALL of us in the family, LOVED was still there. We literally were all visually upset when my mother got rid of that sectional. We brought it up for years when one of us is uncomfortable in any new furniture by saying some snide remark like "I'd be so much more comfy in the green couch." Anyway...

The old dining room table that gets transferred to that room during holiday parties was in permanent residence along the back wall and then, next to the table was this large armchair I only remember slightly. It was from when I was barely old enough for memories and my mother would sit in it to take phone calls when she was downstairs. It was blue with either white dots or small flowers and was wingback in style.

This chair is where I find my mother as I come home with the wand and the egg. I have no clue why, but she immediately takes the egg and breaks the shell. Where the eggshell is broken, this cross between spider and crab legs come wriggling out and start moving around like crazy. They are black and segmented like crab legs, but there are eight like a spider. My mom freaks out, but she's holding on tight to the part of the eggshell that is still intact so this thing doesn't take off and go anywhere. I shout to her "Now we have to kill it - I can't work the wand without doing that!" She's says, very knowingly, "Ohhh, so you can fight the Aliens." I say "Exactly!" and she freaks out because she doesn't know how and doesn't really want to kill this thing. I take it from her hand and just start smashing it against the carpet until there is a sick squish and the thing goes limp as the rest of the eggshell breaks away.

She looks at me as though she can't believe I just did that and I said "Well, we could've eaten it had you not broken the shell." She looks even more disturbed by that prospect and just kind of nods as though in agreement that we did what we had to do.

A few minutes after this exchange, the wand raises off the dining room table next to us. It glows orange and red and then drops back on the table. I grab it and immediately point it at a few different areas in the room: the old couch, the table, the chair, the wall. My mom, in all her motherly glory says "If you're going to play with that, you better do it outside!" I feel bad that the poor spider/crab thing had to die but at least I got a cool wand out of it!

We walk outside where night has fallen and the wind has really started to pick up. There are dark vortexes in the sky, but they are small and look to be fairly off in the distance. Outside a number of people are in their yards looking at this weird phenomenon including my sister, father, husband and a few neighbors from when I was growing up. The wind is blowing so much that we can't really talk to each other because it is too loud and I start playing with my wand. I point it at a few trees across the street and fire shoots out from the wand and engulfs the trees. They go up in flames, but just stay there burning. I point at a bush in our yard, set it on fire and then move on to get better at my 'targeting' so I can make sure I hit these aliens whenever they get here. (Obviously through the vortexes...)

Soon, I have set most of the block on fire except the houses. My mother says, "Ok, I understand you need to practice, but the block is in trouble now and the aliens haven't even shown up yet." This prompts me to think that the wand probably has another function as well. So, I point it at the bush in the yard and say 'Rain' and sprinkles of rain come out of the wand and douse the bush with water until the fire goes out. I go down the block and extinguish all of the things I've set on fire this far and am pretty impressed that my wand can both exact terror AND remedy the situation should a remedy be needed.

Just then, it starts lightning and thundering and a downpour starts. We see the lightning is centralized around the vortexes and we know something is going to happen. We wait until we see three or four aliens come out of two of the vortexes. They look like giant bugs with a black exoskeleton and plates of armor-like skin. Think of a large, round flee about 10 feet tall that is black with red eyes, has wings and crablike legs. (maybe the egg held a baby alien? hmmmm...) They can fly, so they come down to right in front of my parent's house and hover. I immediately train my wand on the largest one and set it on fire. In a fit of rage and pain, the alien loses its ability to fly and comes crashing down into the power lines in front of my house. The power lines snap and the transistor on the electric pole starts sparking as the electric pole looks dangerously close to toppling down on a few bystanders. Through all this, the alien still isn't dead, though, so it's just writhing in pain and causing a little bit of havoc on the street as people run away from the damage it is causing.

The bystanders, among whom are my father and husband, start to run toward the house as the electric pole teeters closer to the ground. We know that the shit will hit the fan if the already compromised transistor hits the ground with any of the force it is threatening.

This is where my sister comes in. Everyone is scrambling to get away and my sister runs TO the electric pole and downed lines. All with the aliens still hovering closely above. She suddenly grows as tall as the electric pole and grabs a fistful of the downed lines in one hand and the electric pole via the transistor in the other. she yanks them both up as electricity dances across her body and in between the lines and the pole.

She simply nods to the remaining aliens as electricity shoots from her temples and downs the remaining aliens. She then trains her energy on the vortexes and gets them to close as the electricity pours into them. In quite the dramatic fashion, she connects the downed lines back to the transistor, shrinks back to size and starts walking up the lawn to where my mother, father, husband and I are standing.

She nods to me as she approaches and says "You can clean up this mess" and I know I have to burn the bodies of the aliens so that #1. I can clean up the mess #2. No one can find out what happened to them and #3. The aliens that didn't get through the vortex can't find us again.

Everyone is frightened by the scene and all are transfixed on the sky thinking that more vortexes will appear. The aliens didn't even really do anything, but we knew they COULD, so we're afraid.

My sister is brushing something off of her hands as she walks back to where I am. She simply nods to me and I put out the fires on the charred alien remains with the 'rain' function of my wand. She holds up her hand and zaps the remains to dust as we all just stare on in amazement. She nods one more time to me and goes back into the house.

This is where the dream ends. I don't remember waking up at this point, but I definitely don't remember if there was anything further after this point of the dream. After such an epic dream, I'm happy I got in somewhat of a cool ending anyway. It was pretty cool to vanquish crab aliens with my sister even if all I really did was cause her to reveal her powers to us and decimate the aliens for us. I still feel I had a very significant part in this particular saving of the Earth.

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