Sunday, April 14, 2013

A&Ws Rock

This dream starts out with me in a car with a blindfold around my eyes. I literally start a dream out by not seeing anything. My eyes are closed while dreaming and I can't see anything because of a blindfold - like whoa.
My View

So in the midst of the darkness, I figure out that I've been kidnapped, but not much else. I'm honestly not even hearing much, just a little car noise in the black. Abruptly, I get thrown out of the car as the car peels away. I take off the blindfold with my unbound hands (kidnapper isn't so good at this kidnapping thing) and know (somehow) that I've been stalked for awhile and that this is part of the weird stalker game the stalker likes to play.

As I look around, I don't quite recognize where I am. It is night and there is a bunch of dark buildings. It's hard to tell if they are abandoned or just closed for the evening. A few buildings away I see a lighted sign for an A&W restaurant. I still have my cell phone (again, stalker isn't the best at the kidnapping thing) and I call my mom to have her come pick me up. She asks me where I am and I said I have no clue, but there is an A & W right next to me. This, somehow, is enough information for her and she's on her way!

I know viscerally that there is something more to why I was dropped off here so I start exploring around the darkened building in front of me. This building does seem to be more abandoned than closed. It is white washed with big dark retail windows. I bypass all of that though and start walking toward the back.

I come around the back of the building and what do I see? Pee Wee Herman in all his Pee Wee Herman glory. He's wearing his grey suit and red bowtie and has his creepy weird white face and red lips. He is, however, hogtied with duct tape and placed on a dumpster. He is calmly laying there, almost as if he's just waiting for someone to help him. Plus, he's not gagged, just tied hand and feet.

Shocked by what I see, I run over and start tearing the tape from his hands and feet.  He says nothing but gets up, sort of solemnly nods in appreciation while rubbing his wrists. He's staring at me as he walks backwards until he disappears into the night behind the building. As the dark envelops him, there's not much more to do here as he said nothing and just calmly stared me down as he walked away from me.

I walk back to the front of the building to wait for my mom and my stalker shows up and reveals himself to me. He's actually a guy I went on about two dates with in New York. I honestly don't remember his name, but recognize his face and stance. He's got dark brown hair with a red baseball cap, is a little taller than me and wearing a tee shirt and jeans. As I consciously think in my dream, "Where the hell did my subconscious come up with him?" I actually simultaneously though it was seemingly fitting as I could picture this dude actually doing something weird like this. Not because he was super creepy, but because there was just something off about him. PROBABLY why it ended at two dates and probably why I should have been more sober during the first date to have ended it there, but I digress...

So Stalker walks up to me and says "You did it. Good job." I'm all "What? Free Pee Wee Herman?" but in my dream head I'm thinking "You cray. How did you even find Pee Wee Herman? How did you somehow kidnap him? And how/why is this some sort of weird lesson/test for your stalker victim?"

Stalker just nods and says, "I know you called someone to come pick you up. Want to grab some food while we wait?" Being all Andrea from the Walking Dead, I pretty much twirl my hair and say "Sure - wanna go to the A&W?" Apparently, it's been awhile since Dream Me has had a date.

We head to the A&W and enter. Inside it's quite different than any A&W I've ever seen. There is a bar where almost everyone is sitting and smoking. There is a haze of smoke everywhere and ashtrays about every 6 inches. It's about the most unappealing place you'd want to eat. We, however, sit down at said bar and a stereotypical diner waitress, with half-smoked cigarette dangling from her lips comes up to ask our order. Amid all this disgusting smoke, a BBQ burger with onion straws on it just sounds wonderful to me. Seriously, I remember having a ridiculously strong craving for it. Almost like I should wake up, fry one up and satisfy it at 4:00 am right then and there.

As we wait for our order, curiosity gets the better of me and I ask "Was this your elaborate way of getting me out on a date?" He admits that it was. He says that he has a hard time expressing his feelings and does big gestures to get people's attention. I just nod as I eat my delicious BBQ burger with onion straws and secretly pray for my mother to get there as fast as she can. This is the point where I wake up and am glad that I'm not as pathetic as dream Kacey. I'm fairly certain real-life Kacey would need to set free Ryan Reynolds AT LEAST from dumpster bondage to be impressed by her stalker and continue on a date with him. And it would have to be a place slightly more classy than smoky A&W, like TGIFriday's or Applebees.

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